Nimbuzz’s Features

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Nimbuzz’s Features

Your loved ones are now just a tap away. Call your friends and family anytime, anywhere for FREE using Nimbuzz calls. Even if they don't have Nimbuzz application, you can still call on their landline or mobile using NimbuzzOut.

A picture is worth a thousand words and Nimbuzz stickers are no less. From blowing a kiss to your sweetheart to punching your buddy, do it all with stickers.

Join Nimbuzz chatrooms to talk about anything you fancy. Discover trends, enter discussions, and make friends with strangers on the World’s most popular chatrooms.

Being with your loved ones is probably the best feeling in the world. Nimbuzz HD Video Calling allows you to do the next best - see & talk to them without letting the distance in between play spoilsport.

Staying in touch with close buddies is super easy with Nimbuzz Group Chat. Use it to plan a trip, keep in touch with your classmates, or just gossip with your colleagues.